Great News and Full Transparency
over 1 year ago
– Fri, May 05, 2023 at 10:00:10 AM
Hey Saurians,
We've got good news for those who wanted to get the core game in the pledge manager. We spoke with our manufacturer and we'll be able to produce more copies! That being said, we realize that many of you have a bit of a bad taste in your mouth from us scrambling to make more available when, honestly, there should have been more available to begin with. We'd like to explain exactly what happened and be fully transparent, in the hopes that the past week of shakiness might make more sense and be forgiven by all of you.
You may have noticed that all of Claw of Sauria's updates are signed off "-Sam". For those of you who don't know, Max is the designer of Sauria and Claw of Sauria and handled the 1st Kickstarter of Sauria, but he's been absent from this campaign. That's because Max has been working hard at a new job he got late last year (it's in board games which is super cool) and taking care of his wife who became pregnant in November! I've taken over most of the operations at Millian Games while Max only handles 1st campaign backer support. Needless to say, I had a lot to learn, and quickly. Up until this point, things have been running very smoothly, but in all honesty, this past week I dropped the ball, and I want to apologize for that. For the past week, I have also been in the process of moving, which made it even harder for me to handle the issues that came up. So, I just want to again say sorry for the poor communication and the failure to keep up with your needs.
Thankfully, as Ellie Sattler once said, "I think we're back in business." All of the shipping profiles should be correct now, all pledge levels and add-ons should be available, and I am moved into my apartment! So we should be solid moving forward. We're still dealing with the same manufacturer from the 1st Kickstarter and we've got better distributors, so I am confident that the fulfillment process will go smoothly from here on out.
If you have any questions or have an issue with your survey on Backerkit, please email me directly at [email protected] (we are able to respond to emails the fastest).
Thank you for your patience and understanding,
Sauria Base Game Update
over 1 year ago
– Tue, May 02, 2023 at 05:00:20 PM
Hello everyone!
I would like to begin by thanking all our passionate backers. We were not expecting such a high demand for the Sauria base game and we are so sorry for those who have been unable to get it... in response to this we are trying to find ways to make more copies available so everybody can grab a copy of Sauria if they so choose. I understand you may have a sour taste in your mouth but we are trying the best we can to make this right. We will begin this process and hopefully have an update on how many copies would be available if we're able to get more. If we are able to secure more we will make them available on the pre-order store and the pledge manager. If you would like to resubmit a survey to add a copy of Sauria to your order, please reach out to us via our email [email protected], our website, or a comment on our Kickstarter Campaign.
This being a passion project, we did not intend for people to miss out on playing our game... we love Sauria and we hope we can share that with others. Please standby as we try to get more copies.
PLEASE NOTE* All backers who's pledge level included the Sauria base game already have their copy reserved, we only sold out for people looking to upgrade after the campaign ended.
A small update on shipping prices: some backers have noticed extremely high prices, extremely low, and even zero dollars. If you fall into this category, we will be manually adjusting shipping prices to your order. The prices are loaded into BackerKit but for some (especially UK) buyers it seems that they're program is not working properly. All backers will be charged when we lock orders (estimated July) so we will send out an update informing people of their updated prices.
Thank you for your patience,
Pre-Order Store has launched & Base Game is SOLD OUT
over 1 year ago
– Tue, May 02, 2023 at 02:52:37 PM
Hey everyone!
Our Pre-Order store has launched! Here is the link to the Pre-Order Store. Here you will have the opportunity to grab add-ons and place an order for Claw of Sauria incase you missed the campaign!
The response to our surveys was immediate and humbling! We have swiftly run out of Sauria base game copies to sell. If you currently have pledged for Sauria, Raptor Bundle, or Tyrannosaurus Bundle you will have access to these pledges, if not you will no longer be able to upgrade to a pledge that contains the base game. To clarify, those who have already pledged for the Sauria Base Game, whether that be the Sauria, Raptor, Tyrannosaurus, or Park Owner pledges have their copy reserved. The base game is sold out to those looking to add it to their original pledge. The only 2 copies left are reserved for the Park Owner bundles... for those who want to become a true Saurian.
Thank you all!
Pledge Manager Surveys have been sent!
over 1 year ago
– Tue, May 02, 2023 at 01:32:27 PM
We are excited to announced the finalization of your pledges on Claw of Sauria has begun! Our surveys have been sent out for you make any last-minute upgrades and give us your shipping address - you should have already received it upon reading this update :)
Please take the time to fill out the surveys so that we are able to ship out your order, we are so eager for you to receive your games and hopefully find the same enjoyment we do in dinosaurs, survival, islands, and dinosaur survival islands 😂
If you find an error or are having difficulty with your survey please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or the contact form through our website We want to help you.
**EDIT** Some backers are seeing extremely steep shipping prices😳 If you continue through check out it will adjust the shipping to your location and give you your accurate pricing.
For now that is all - we will be back soon with more excited information.
Smoke Tests out now!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, May 01, 2023 at 06:57:35 PM
Hey everyone!
We have administered the Smoke Test of our surveys and we are eager for your response! Those of you who receive this survey, we would greatly appreciate you inform us if there are any mistakes. After 24 hours we will send out the pledge manager surveys.
Thank you all for your patience! We will see you guys tomorrow👀