Art Update and Charging Cards Reminder
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 01:24:57 PM
Hey Saurians,
A very brief update today. We are going to be charging cards on 7/31, next Monday! Thank you for all your engagement lately and we are excited to move on to the next step of getting Sauria and Claw of Sauria to your door step :)
In other news, here's the color scheme we're going with for the Odontus Rex! Let us know what you think 😁
Please reach out with any concerns!
- Sam
Community Hybrid Name and Pledge Manager Update
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 09:53:59 AM
Exciting news!
Our Community Voted Hybrid will be named... Odontus Rex!
We appreciate everyones excitement and participation throughout the creation of this community's hybrid. We are now in the final stages of bringing this hybrid to life and will have artwork to share with you soon.
Another piece of important information: We are charging cards on July 31st(in two weeks). This is the final step from you guys until Claw of Sauria and/or Sauria shows up at your doorstep! If you haven't already please complete your survey so that we are able to ship your order :)
Thank you!
Community Hybrid Sketch Vote Results
over 1 year ago
– Sat, Jul 08, 2023 at 04:31:14 PM
Saurians, here is our winner: Sketch 1
I cannot emphasize how tight this voting was! Here are the final tallies; Sketch 1 with 33 votes, Sketch 2 with 23 votes, and Sketch 3 with 25 votes. 81 total votes and it was very close to a THREE WAY split. Thank you to all who took part in this community vote 😁. We are so glad to have a passionate community. Now our artist will create the final artwork and our 3d sculptor will get to work making the miniature model. Once our artist has the line work down we'll have her do a few different patterns and designs with the colors that were voted on and and have you all vote on the favorite. Then she'll finalize the art and we can move on to production!
In the meantime, WE NEED A NAME! If you can think of a good name for this monstrosity, comment it below! If you see a name you like, give it a 👍. Some good tips for naming:
- Try to use Latin or Greek words, especially prefixes and suffixes, for example, Baryonyx (Heavy Claw) = Bary (Heavy) + Onyx (Claw)
- Don't feel limited to the base genomes, names like Megraptordactyl (although funny) will not make the cut!
- Try to make it easy to pronounce, you should hear a four-year-old try to say "Archaeornithomimus".
- Don't forget the rule of cool, Velociraptor sounds a lot cooler than Deinonychus, that's why Jurassic Park went with that name. Even if they're wrong, I think we can all admit, Velociraptor sounds cooler.
Have fun, and may the best name win!
For those who got the Park Owner or Geneticists Pledge, once the community hybrid is complete we will reach out to you to begin creating your custom hybrids! Since these are custom inserts for your game, we won't have to wait on these to begin production, so we won't be in a rush to finalize your dino just how you want.
Pledge Manager Update: We will be locking orders in 2 weeks and charging cards very soon afterward. We will be sending out another update the week before and the day before to make sure there are no surprises.
That's all for now,
Community Hybrid Sketch Vote!
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 05:06:22 PM
Hey Saurians,
Our artist has provided us 3 sketches for our Community Hybrid attached below. They are labeled sketch 1, sketch 2, and sketch 3. Please vote in the comment section of this update on which sketch fits your vision for our Community Hybrid! Please keep in mind these are sketches and are not final, now is the time to make changes! If enough backers suggest a change, we can make adjustments, but once we get to lineart, no more changes. The vote ends on July 7th! We will then begin the process of completing the Community Hybrid.
In anticipation of this final art piece we are also getting the manufacturing process started to get all of the art set to print, so things are moving!
A quick update on the Pledge Manager: everything is on time and we are expected to lock orders by the end of July, up until then you will have the opportunity to upgrade your pledge or get any add-ons you would like.
We will post the winner on July 7th! See you then,
- Sam
Sketch 1
Sketch 2
Sketch 3
Moving Forward with Art
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Jun 01, 2023 at 08:16:11 AM
Hey Saurians,
Everything is going smoothly on all fronts right now. We want to give you guys an updated timeline on art for the Community Voted Hybrid and share some completed art from our stretch goals!
Right now our artist is working diligently to provide us high quality art for the remaining stretch goals, which are almost all completed. Once she wraps up those, we will have her do 3 different sketches for the Community Voted Hybrid which all of you will then vote on. From there we will show off the lineart, the color scheme, and then the final art work.
I will say, the art is taking a bit longer than we had hoped, but we don't want to rush art, and our artist is a one woman show with a life so we want to respect that. Because of this, we may have to push our estimated delivery date by a month. As soon as we get the Community Voted Hybrid finished, we'll be good to go into production!
In other news, the Pledge Manager is going smoothly now! We still have about 180 backers who have not completed their surveys, but they still have some time.
I hope to continue to have good news to share with you guys!
- Sam